
October 4, 2023
Juvenile Detention Criminal Procedure As we know that in India proceeding in the nature of criminal is to be dealt with in accordance with the rules and provision contained in the Criminal Procedure Code. In India and in many countries the procedure in relation to the trial of an offence committed by an adult or...
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Modified Guidelines On 498a On Various Aspect By way of this article I am going to discuss what the supreme court said in Rajesh Sharma vs State of U.P AIR 2017 SC by laying down various guidelines related to the section 498A IPC. As the sociological school of jurisprudence suggested that the law has to...
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Concept of  Plea Bargaining- Application and its Procedure The apex court in various judicial decisions has held right to fair trial as integral right enriched under the Article 21 of the Indian constitution. In the accusatorial method, the general principle of burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused...
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1. *Lalita Kumari v. State of UP* :FIR mandatory in cognizable cases 2. *Mohd. Ahmad Khan vs Shah Bano Begum* :Section 125 of CrPC Secular 3. *D.K. Basu v. State of Bengal* :SC guidelines relating to rights of the arrested person 4. *Nilabati Bahera v. State of Orissa* :Compensation in case of unlawful arrest and...
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